Java Algorithms and Data Structures

Understand, Design, and Develop all the commonly used data structures using JAVA from scratch. 

About the course

Hi There🙏, 

First of all, thank you for making it to's largest visualization portal for learning Datastructures and problem solving).

There is no doubt that you need good knowledge of the data structures to make it to the product-based companies wanting to work with great talent, solving the problems that impact the lives of the people around the world while making the top notch salary. 

One of the biggest mistakes newbies do is that without having the proper understanding of core data structures, directly dive into the problem solving which makes them feel DSA is extremely difficult and give up. DSA is fun and addictive when we have a thorough understanding of the basic concepts before we get started with problem solving.

That's the reason why here is what we will be doing as part of this course.

  1.  Understand the Each and every datastructure as abstract datatype.
  2. Design datastrcutures effectively(Helpful in design-related interviews).
  3. Implement them based on the design.
  4. Analyze the time and space complexities in each and every implementation.
  5. Support for any doubts during the learning process.

You will have access to the video content for 90 days which is more than enough time to complete it. Moreover, only the video explanations have a time limit. Besides that, all the problems that we discuss in this course and their solutions with visualizations are already available on for free and will remain so forever. You can check them at any time you want even without buying this course. 

Hope that makes sense and will leave the decision back to you.

Looking forward to seeing you in the course.
